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Board of Selectmen Work Session -- 9/12/2012
Jackson Selectmen
Job Description Work Session
September 12, 2012

Present:        Jerry Dougherty IV, Chairman; John Allen and Bob Thompson, Selectmen

Visitors:       Hank Benesh

Chairman Jerry Dougherty called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m.

        Chairman Dougherty suggested reviewing the Local Government Center’s (LGC) job description samples; then to prepare a draft of job descriptions for employee positions at this session, and bring the drafts to the next Selectmen’s meeting for consideration. From there, department heads will be asked to review their job descriptions for input. Chairman Dougherty recommended working on job descriptions for the Office Administrator, Road Agent and Police Chief tonight and have the department heads come up with a draft for their staff. The other Selectmen agreed; Selectmen Thompson commented that he’d like to identify all employees that work for the town has job descriptions and if the Board feels they don’t need a job description, a reason for not having one would surface.

Chairman Dougherty provided the following four templates from the LGC for the Office Administrator position and felt all four could be blended into one; Administrative Assistant of Administration, Executive Secretary of Administration, Office Manager of Public Works and Town Administrator.

Chairman Dougherty indicated that the Building Inspector’s job description was well underway and that the LGC didn’t have a sample for the Fire Inspector position but pointed out they’re under the State Fire Marshall’s office guidelines and didn’t feel the Board needed a job description for that position.
Regarding the Fire Chief’s position, Chairman Dougherty wasn’t clear whether the LGC had any samples since he didn’t ask and added that the Selectmen had no control over this position since the firefighters elect their Fire Chief with the exception of the fire budget but we could still consider a job description.

Selectmen began with the Road Agent’s job description by reviewing the essential duties from the  template sample; essential duties 4 and 7 didn’t apply and was removed and 13 was modified to recommend new hires and or to discharge and Selectmen would made the decision. Bob felt knowledge and skills all applied and physical requirements and work environment were straight forward. Item 1 was amended to, “Knowledge and level of competency commonly associated with understanding of civil engineering and construction management or other related occupational field.” Item 2 was changed to, “Experience sufficient to understand the diverse objectives and functions of the position and any equivalent combination of education or experience which demonstrates possession of the required knowledge, skills and abilities.” Item 4 regarding bonding was removed.

Selectmen then reviewed the template sample for the Police Chief position; Bob suggested most of the sample was applicable; changes were made from the supervision section, “clerical” was struck from the sentence, and supervision was changed to, “subject to the direction of the Selectmen,” rather than the Police Commission. “Transfer out,” was removed from item 7 and item 24 was completely removed. Chairman Dougherty will approach Police Chief Myers regarding qualifications for his input.

Selectmen then proceeded with the Office Administrator’s position; Chairman Dougherty felt that position was a cross between the Town Administrator and Administrative Assistant samples. Selectmen Allen will review with Office Administrator Falcey the LGC samples against a job description that she had done previously. Chairman Dougherty suggests reviewing the job description drafts at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Chairman Dougherty updated the Board with the Susan Chase and Brian Shaw issue. Susan communicated that Brian hadn’t paid the invoice she sent him repairing the horse path. It’s surmised that perhaps Brian is holding out for a “release to hold harmless,” from Susan before paying Susan. Chairman Dougherty will follow up with Brian regarding his intention concerning payment of the invoice.

        Chairman Dougherty discussed how the Board administers the Site Disturbance Ordinance and felt it could have been handled differently by staying out of it, leaving the parties to decide how to correct the problem rather than the town dictating how to correct the problem, which would have resulted in different outcomes and wants to tackle this problem soon. Chairman Dougherty described another new similar situation on Green Hill Road, which the Town Engineer is involved, advising the owner how to address their driveway issue.      
A motioned was made to adjourn by Selectmen Allen and seconded by Chairman Dougherty; all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:      

                                                Diane Falcey
                                                        Office Administrator